Minggu, 10 Januari 2021

do korean like kpop

On most part, Kpop is just viewed in South Korea in general as a great promotion for tourism. It really depends on the particular locals you’d asked actually. Some would view Kpop as just pop music that greatly affects the youth of South Korea. Though that doesn’t mean either that all young Koreans like Kpop either.17/06/2015 · Do North Koreans like K-pop? North Koreans like Southern pop culture more and more, but reasons differ by generation. Je Son Lee June 17, 2015.i cant speak for koreans, but i’m chinese and most of the older generation view cpop as childish and for teenage girls, honestly i can say the older korean generation probably think the same. kpop and cpop really is just pop music but in their respective languages. think of how the general public in america thinks about one direction, ariana grande, and other pop artists. krock, krnb, …03/09/2013 · Then this new Korean kid that moved from korea said he dosent like kpop and when I asked him if he liked my school he said no, when I asked him why, he said I don't know.. I started bawling like a baby.

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