ix PREFACE All price be to Allah he all mighty, who has giving us mercies and blessing until I can finish this thesis on the title “The Influence of K-Pop Culture on Students’ Lifestyle and Political Knowledge at Social Science EducationIn light of rapidly increasing global competition, the question of Korean pop culture’s long-term sustainability and global influence still remains. Kpop as Global, Social Media-Driven Force The Hallyu Wave is contextualized within the forces of globalization and the growth of social media platforms that facilitate media distribution by fans.The purpose of the research is to find out the influence of Korean Pop Culture toward consumer intention on selecting Korean food. Korean Drama and Korean pop music are two phenomenal Korean pop culture which are spreaded around the world. In …The goal of this study is to assess the influences that Korean pop culture has on Hong Kong residents' perceptions of Korea as a potential tourist destination. Among the 500 distributed ...2.3.4 Study Korean language 24 2.3.5 The impact of Korean Wave on Vietnamese youngsters 29 Positive influences 29 Negative influences 30 2.4 Korean government policies relating to Korean pop culture export 31 2.4.1 Before financial crisis: Changes in cultural promoting objectives 31 2.4.2 After financial crisis 33Keywords: South Korea, pop culture, K-pop, social change, mass media Introduction Postwar Korea has been dubbed a champion of export- led economic growth, akin to the JapaneseJournal of Popular Culture 44.3 (2011), 489 Korea. America especially influenced modern day Korean pop culture. During the Korean war. In another source, Abby Norman writes about the K-Pop history. American stars would arrive and perform to the troops, thus bringing the “flair of American pop culture”9. In addition, Joo also mentions how ...Middle East. Korean popular culture has become one of South Korea’s most powerful cultural, political, and economic assets and has won the hearts of international audiences. More recently, the popularity of K-pop has “exploded onto the international scene” (Howard, 2015, p. 298).unknowingly. Therefore, with the rise of Korean popular culture, it can act as a part of soft power in affecting the people ¶s values, attitude and behaviour. 1.1.2 Origins of Korean Popular Culture In order to understand the cultural industry in South Korea, first of all, we have to look into its historical perspective from 1940s to 2010s.31/01/2018 · The Influence of Korean Pop Culture in East and Southeast Asian Nations, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, www.IJARnD.com. APA Suraj Tripathi, Rishav Kumar Roy (2018). The Influence of Korean Pop Culture in East and Southeast Asian Nations.
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How does K-pop influence social change in Korea?How does K-pop influence social change in Korea?Where does Kpop fan culture come from?Where does Kpop fan culture come from?Why is Korean pop culture so popular?Why is Korean pop culture so popular?How does South Korea use its popular culture to promote globalization?How does South Korea use its popular culture to promote globalization?